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Guilty Until Proven Innocent - Aria Nicole & Channy Crossfire - Part 1 of 3

With Behind The Scenes

This movie is a custom-written and directed movie by a director Stevie Underdog. Thank you from our clinic’s entire staff to our director for choosing our clinic to fulfill your personal medical fetish movie fantasy!

Director Notes:

Aria is a Nurse in a doctor's office. She is a hard working and honest nurse. Some medicine has gone missing from the medicine cabinet. Head Nurse Channy confronts Nurse Aria about the missing drugs. Nurse Channy claims that part of her employment contract she agreed to allows her to be searched should anything from the doctor's office come up missing. Nurse Aria thinks it's just going to be a cursory search, but little did she know it's going to be a complete and thorough strip search and Nurse Channy is going to be the one conducting the strip search. Aria protests saying that she hasn't taken anything so she shouldn't be invasively searched. She hasn't done anything wrong, but because she signed the contract she must comply. Nurse Channy starts by patting Nurse Aria down over her scrubs. [try to get a nice shot of Aria’s panty lines (if they’re even visible)]. Nurse Channy doesn’t feel anything so she instructs Nurse Aria to start undressing. Nurse Aria really doesn't want to and begs to not have to.

There is no escape and as a result Nurse Aria starts off by taking off her sneakers and her scrub top. Then she unties her scrub pants and takes them off. She stands there in her bra, panties, and socks. Nurse Aria asks if stripping down to her underwear is enough to prove her innocence. Nurse Channy thinks for a moment and then tells Nurse Aria to turn around 360 degrees, Nurse Aria does this but it's not enough for Nurse Channy. She's concerned that she might have something inside of her. So 

Nurse Aria is ordered to take off her socks, bra, and panties. Nurse Channy comments on being pleased/correct with how she imagined Nurse Aria looked naked. She takes note of her mound of pubic hair. Nurse Channy picks up nurse Aria's panties and inspects them, paying close attention to the crotch [show crotch to the camera]. Channy sniffs the crotch of Aria's panties. Nurse Aria rolls her eyes in disgust and partially shame. 

Aria is now standing there naked with her 1 arm covering her breasts and her other hand covering her crotch trying to retain her modesty. Channy assures her that she's a medical professional and there's nothing to be embarrassed about getting naked in front of her. She's seen it all before. So begins the humiliating part... Channy puts on some gloves to begin the exam. She starts by rubbing Aria's breasts. Nothing there so she moves further down to her pussy. Nurse Channy tells Nurse Aria to spread her pussy lips wide apart. Aria initially refuses, but partially complies. Not satisfied Nurse Channy uses her gloved hands to spread Nurse Aria's pussy lips apart. Still not satisfied with the view, she asks Nurse Aria to sit down in the office chair and spread her pussy lips as wide as she possibly can. Next Nurse Channy needs to check the other hole so she tells Nurse Aria to stand up and bend over and spread her ass cheeks. Nurse Channy again has to help out with the spreading. Nurse Channy remarks that Nurse Aria's asshole is clean as she thought she might not wipe properly. Nothing is found in the search so Nurse Aria thinks she's been vindicated, but not so fast. 

There's one last thing that Nurse Channy needs to check. She demands a urine sample from Nurse Aria to see if she's been using the missing drugs. Nurse Aria cannot believe her ears. She's not going to provide a urine sample. There’s absolutely no reason to give one. Nurse Aria flat out refuses. Nurse Channy knows that she can’t really force Aria to pee, BUT there is another way she can get her urine specimen – a catheter. Nurse Aria is so scared and afraid of the discomfort that's in store for her. Nurse Aria has catherized countless patients and kinda found pleasure doing it. Nurse Channy is left with no choice but to have Nurse Aria lay back on the exam table to have the catheter inserted. Nurse Aria is so very afraid. She's catherized many patients and took delight in the discomfort that they each exhibited. She's never been on the receiving end of a catheter before.  

Nurse Channy calls in Doctor Tampa to painfully inserts the catheter and collects the urine in a specimen jar. This is extremely humiliating, a nurse on the other side of the table. 

After this is all over, Nurse Aria thinks she can get dressed now. That's not happening though! Nurse Channy tells her that until the urine results come back in a couple days Nurse Aria is suspended. Because she's on suspension she's not going to be allowed to don her Nurse's scrubs and try to masquerade as a Nurse while she's suspended. Nurse Channy tells her to leave the office naked. Nurse Aria cries because she knows she'll have to walk through the waiting room naked where all her patients will see her. Nurse Channy doesn't care - that's not her problem. Nurse Aria prepares to leave the room completely naked.

Doctor Tampa starts to wonder what this whole situation is about and questions why Nurse Channy has made her do all these things. Doctor Tampa is quite unhappy about the whole situation. Nurse Channy was definitely not authorized to perform this kind of search. Now Nurse Channy is in big trouble! She’s either going to be fired on the spot or she can agree to submit to the same treatment that she just subjected Nurse Aria to. Maybe it was actually Nurse Channy who had stolen the medicine and just framed Nurse Aria. Doctor Tampa instructs Nurse Aria that she can now finally get dressed. 

Now the fun begins... Doctor Tampa has become fully aware of the situation and now tells Nurse Channy that she has 2 choices: be fired and reported to the nursing board or undergo the same treatment that she subjected Nurse Aria undergo.  

Nurse Channy really doesn't have a choice. She's worked so hard to become the head Nurse and she can't afford to lose her job. She still protests and begs if there's any other way she can keep her job without having to suffer the indignity of taking off her scrubs in front of her boss and Nurse Aria. Nurse Channy insists she has proof that Nurse Aria is guilty. Sadly she realizes there's no escape and Nurse Aria recounts the horrors that she was subjected to. 

Doctor Tampa asks Nurse Aria to repeat what was done to her. 

Nurse Aria begins to recount the horrors that were done to her and smirks at her revenge and then starts by patting Nurse Channy down over her scrubs. [try to get a nice shot of Channy’s panty lines (if they’re even visible)]. Nurse Aria doesn’t feel anything so she instructs Nurse Channy to start undressing. 

Nurse Channy in instructed to take off her sneakers and her scrub top. Then she unties her scrub pants and takes them off. She stands there in her bra, panties, and socks. Nurse Aria tells Nurse Aria to turn around 360 degrees and is ordered to take off her socks, bra, and panties. Doctor Tampa asks to see the inside of Nurse Channy's panties to see if she had gotten wet tormenting Nurse Aria [show the inside of her dirty panties] . Nurse Channy is standing there naked with her 1 arm covering her breasts and her other hand covering her crotch trying to retain her modesty. Nurse Aria takes note of what the once powerful Nurse Channy looks like with no clothes on. She looks just like any other scared girl, no longer a proud nurse wearing scrubs. This is all very reminiscent of what has just transpired. Aria puts on some gloves to begin the exam. She starts by rubbing Channy's breasts. Nothing there so she moves further down to her pussy. Nurse Aria tells Nurse Channy to spread her her tight pussy lips wide apart. Nurse Channy is extremely embarrassed and doesn't want to have to expose her last remaining dignity. Nurse Channy is slightly less humiliated because she knows she has a tight innie pussy, but she doesn't want to have to reveal her private inner labia minora. That's no concern for Nurse Aria, especially because there's no part of her that Nurse Channy hasn't seen. So Nurse Aria carries on and spreads Nurse Channy's pussy lips apart. Still not satisfied with the view, she asks Nurse Channy to sit down in the office chair and spread her pussy lips as wide as she possibly can, just as she was subjected to. Next Nurse Aria needs to check the other hole so she tells Nurse Channy to stand up and bend over and spread her ass cheeks. Nurse Aria again has to help out with the spreading.

Now comes the urine sample from Nurse Channy to see if she's been using actually been the one stealing the missing drugs. Nurse Channy adamantly offers to pee in a cup to provide the urine sample. Doctor Tampa entertains this idea. She's very insistant, but that's not going to be sufficient nor equitable. Nurse Aria reminds Doctor Tampa of the catheterization that she had to endure. Nurse Channy must now be catheterized in order to get the urine sample. Nurse Channy begs to not be forced to undergo this inhumane torture. Like Nurse Aria, she too has never been been catherized before.

Doctor Tampa doesn't care one bit and orders Nurse Channy onto the exam table and into the stirrups. Nurse Channy cries as the catheter is inserted into her sensitive urethra [assuming it's actually uncomfortable, otherwise just proceed as usual].

After the urine sample is captured, Doctor Tampa stands up and informs both nurses that this is way too much drama for the office and they're both fired. Doctor Tampa informs Nurse Aria that she needs to take off her scrubs and strip completely naked. Both former nurses are escorted out naked via the waiting room to compete their humiliation. 

The End. 

Directors Review:

Thanks for getting the final product back by the promised deadline!!

To be perfectly honest, I was a little disappointed that the script wasn't followed more closely. Your pre shoot reading was spot on, but unfortunately it wasn't really executed. I was really looking for more reluctance, hesitancy, and resistance. I guess you're at the mercy of the models though. I was also disappointed with Channy's choice of underwear.

Having the script on the clipboard was a great idea, but Channy relied a bit too heavily on it. 

Thank you again for getting this custom turned around so quickly!

I will say that the editing was absolutely perfect! 

Model: Doctor Tampa, Nurse Aria Nicole, Nurse Channy Crossfire

Posted: Wed, 25 October 2023  Views: 2811

Series: Guilty Until Proven Innocent
