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Melany Lopez's Immigration Physical...In Front Of Her Husband! - Part 1 of 2

Re-Edited, Re-Mastered, Re-Released June 2020

These are Melany Lopez’s 1st Adult Movies EVER! Series - Based on stories of green card applicants having to undergo a mandatory physical examination at the gloved hands of immigration doctors misusing their position of power over their foreign patients.

Melany Lopez is in the process of becoming a US Citizen. She has completed an exhaustive amount of language lessons, studying, and citizenship tests. All of the other hoops an immigrant must jump through in the name of that sweet citizenship!

Melany has one last thing to do before getting her final approval and becoming a full-fledged citizen. All she has to do is get an immigration physical conducted by one of the doctors that have been approved to carry out immigration examinations.

Nervous about her appointment, Melany’s husband asks if she would like him to join her. She is happy that he has offered to accompany her to her physical. She has heard from other girls seeking citizenship that it’s easy to pass as long as she is in good health.

What Melany doesn’t know is that the doctor who does the examinations enjoys his job immensely and does not make haste when examining his foreign beauties. He especially loves when they bring their boyfriend or husband into the examination room. The doctor loves the feeling of the patient’s significant other eyes on him as he pokes, prods, and examines the patient. 

The doctor knows the patient must pass the physical or risk not getting citizenship...or worse! They almost always are compliant and do not ask questions or ask if all parts of the examination are necessary.

Poor Melany and her husband are in for an interesting day at the gloved hands of Doctor Tampa in the immigration medical center. 

Model: Doctor Tampa, Francesco Lopez, Melany Lopez

Posted: Mon, 2 September 2019  Views: 4160

Series: Immigration Physicals
