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Human Guinea Pigs - Miss Mars - Part 1 of 6

Re-Edited, Re-Mastered, Re-Released July 2020

As someone who loves critters and eats a plant-based diet, Miss Mars was shocked when she was handed a flier that said she could help stop critter testing. She couldn't believe it was still going on! It also mentioned she could make money at the same time! That would be a total win for her and the critters!

Sitting in the waiting room waiting for the nurse, she wonders what she will be testing. Food? Makeup? Clothing made of new fabrics? Miss Mars' mind began going crazy with the possibilities, but she won't have to wait long to discover her reality. 

Nurse Kristen Martinez comes in with a stack of paperwork for Miss Mars to sign. "Don't worry, it's all just standard paperwork. Is this your first time helping the critters? You're doing a great thing here by helping today!" the nurse says.

Barely giving her time to glance at each page, the nurse flips through them, telling Miss Mars where to initial and sign. "Now, if you could go ahead and take your clothes off so we can get an accurate height and weight," says the nurse, shocking Miss Mars. She didn't think this would involve her being naked! Seeing her look of hesitation, the nurse says, "The doctor needs accurate reading and measurements from you."

Hesitantly complying, Miss Mars begins to wonder what she's gotten herself into as she removes her clothing, stepping onto the scale. After a brief but reasonably thorough examination, the nurse tells Miss Mars that they're going to the shower facility. This is so the nurse can prepare Miss Mars for the doctor's experiments she will be a part of today. Naked and confused, Miss Mars follows the nurse to the shower area.

When they arrive at the shower facility, Nurse Martinez spray Miss Mars with a decontamination liquid before having her shower clean off her body of any contaminants. The nurse then administers a liquid colon cleaning to clean the patient out. Miss Mars is really beginning to wonder what is going to happen today. Butt, she won't have to wait long to find out as the nurse leads her to the laboratory. 

Now clean inside and out, the nurse leads Miss Mars into the laboratory, strapping her down spread eagle to a very scary-looking table. Confused about what will happen, she tells the nurse that this is getting scary as her last free appendage is strapped in. The nurse wires the new guinea pig up to the patient monitor before leaving the room. 

Miss Mars lets out a deep breath with the nurse now gone as she checks to see how secure the restraints holding her body in place are. It's obvious that she isn't going anywhere anytime soon. The nurse returns with the doctor, who explains that they will be testing electrical stimulation on the subject's body. They're going to be testing the lows, mids, and highs of how much voltage she can handle. The electricity will be administered through various devices on her breasts, nipples, Mons, labia, urethra, vagina, anus, and thighs. She will be asked to rate each device and how the various power levels feel on and in her. 

Before they can get started, the doctor does have to examine the patient and document any injuries that may be pre-existing to the research for insurance purposes. After completing nearly two and a half hours of electrical stimulation research, the doctor performs the same examination as he did before beginning the research. The insurance company mandates the condition of each specimen be documented before and after to ensure no damage has been done to the research subject during her time at the facility.

After such a full day of testing, Miss Mars is glad to be done with the research and collect her earnings. She's also very glad she volunteered; Miss Mars couldn't imagine some poor Critters having to go through what she went through today!

Model: Doctor Tampa, Miss Mars, Nurse Kristen Martinez

Posted: Fri, 6 March 2020  Views: 2347

Series: Human Guinea Pigs

Human Guinea Pigs - Miss Mars - Part 1 of 6

Human Guinea Pigs - Miss Mars - Part 1 of 6

Model: Doctor Tampa, Miss Mars, Nurse Kristen Martinez
Posted: Fri, 6 Mar 2020
Length: 26:46   Views: 21,127

Human Guinea Pigs - Miss Mars - Part 2 of 6

Human Guinea Pigs - Miss Mars - Part 2 of 6

Model: Doctor Tampa, Miss Mars, Nurse Kristen Martinez
Posted: Mon, 9 Mar 2020
Length: 26:51   Views: 18,928

Human Guinea Pigs - Miss Mars - Part 3 of 6

Human Guinea Pigs - Miss Mars - Part 3 of 6

Model: Doctor Tampa, Miss Mars, Nurse Kristen Martinez
Posted: Fri, 13 Mar 2020
Length: 26:47   Views: 20,168

Human Guinea Pigs - Miss Mars - Part 4 of 6

Human Guinea Pigs - Miss Mars - Part 4 of 6

Model: Doctor Tampa, Miss Mars, Nurse Kristen Martinez
Posted: Mon, 16 Mar 2020
Length: 26:46   Views: 20,218

Human Guinea Pigs - Miss Mars - Part 5 of 6

Human Guinea Pigs - Miss Mars - Part 5 of 6

Model: Doctor Tampa, Miss Mars, Nurse Kristen Martinez
Posted: Fri, 20 Mar 2020
Length: 26:46   Views: 23,679

Human Guinea Pigs - Miss Mars - Part 6 of 6

Human Guinea Pigs - Miss Mars - Part 6 of 6

Model: Doctor Tampa, Miss Mars, Nurse Kristen Martinez
Posted: Mon, 23 Mar 2020
Length: 28:46   Views: 22,020
